If you follow my Instgram you may wonder, “Did I miss her Ultra Marathon training?” Well, NO you indeed did not! Truthfully, I didn’t really train.  I’ve had this race or rather challenge on my mind for months. It’s local and I felt comfortable with the course. During my marathon training last winter, I ran Badger Mountain every week. The route I did was nearly 8 miles with 1,550ft. elevation gain. Each time it got easier and each time I felt stronger. I “thought” this would give me a good feel for the 50K. (joke was on me…the easiest part was the only section I ran) There’s just something about pushing yourself to conquer a new challenge. lol! Anyways, I then realized it was the day before Easter. I seriously thought about doing the 15k(I’ve ran it twice; once 23wks pregnant). The main reason: I didn’t want to be completely “trashed” and ruin our Easter celebration(which I did). Two weeks before the BadgerMountainChallenge 50k I signed up. Here we go!
Packet pick-up was on Friday afternoon at the best running shoe store RUNNERS SOUL . It was super quick and then I was home to get ready for my first ultra! I finished drinking my water for the day(6L)and ate my traditional pre-race chicken pasta. I really had no idea what to pack in my drop bag for the half way point? They did tell us an extra pair of socks & wipes because the trails were dusty. In my drop bag- frozen homemade rolls w/rotisserie chicken, homemade chocolate chip cookies, honeystinger gels & protein bar, fig bars, 1st Aid stuff & phone charger(most of it I did use). Plus in my Nathan hydration vest 2L of water, 2 honeystinger gels, protein bar, fig bar, nuun hydration tablets, phone, ibuprofen, and I always carry pepper spray  and a few 1st Aid items. I just have to say, my hydration vest is amazing with so many pockets! As it turned out my gels and protein bars did not sound good on the run. I enjoyed fig bars, cookies, flat coke and pretzels. Interesting enough I had no GI issues(sorry, TMI!). I went with “whatever looked good and whatever I was craving” for my fuel. After all if you’re going to run an ultra marathon you deserve to eat whatever you want!