RUNNING/FITNESS “Recovery from Long runs as a Mom”

“Recovery from Long runs as a Mom”

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Recovering your muscles after a long run is so important but hard to do as a busy mom. The minute we step in the door from a run it’s back to wiping noses, changing diapers and fixing food. Here’s a few things I’ve found that helped me as a wife, mom and runner

When I give my time to return after a run, I include my “cool-down” walk AND stretching. 5-10 minutes of walking after my run to allow my heart rate to drop gradually. Then 10-15 minutes of stretching to keep my muscles from getting stiff & store. I don’t sell myself short on time! I try to do my stretching before I come back inside. Otherwise I’m back to mom duty and it doesn’t get done! Cooling down(and warm-ups) are important, this does add time onto your workouts. But take the time you need to recovery after a run. It’s easy to feel “mom guilt” and want to rush back inside to care for the kids. I’ve learned the hard way… and my muscles have paid for it!

MAKE the time for warm-ups and cool-downs

Plan a head! If I’m driving home after a run, I have a shake, sometimes banana & nuun electrolytes in the car for the way home. I prep my breakfast or lunch(usually leftovers) ahead of time. This is so I have nutritious food ready, once I’m back home. It also takes the process of “what to eat” when I’m too tired to think. Refueling the body after a long run is crucial! Don’t try to wait to eat with the family. Aim to eat a full meal 60-90mins after a long(yes, this is after a shake). If my run comes right back to the house, I still have a shake + nuun then a meal within 90 minutes. I plan a crockpot dinner on the days I run long distance. I don’t want to spend more time on my feet cooking. Just dump it all in the crockpot, turn it on and dinner’s ready in a couple hours!

Foam Roll & Legs Up
I’ve played tractors on the floor with my son while I foam roll. Foam rolling helps work out the stiff, sore muscles and keeps them from getting too tight. Here is a great video on how to foam roll by my friend, Ashley at Glow Body PT . Legs up on the wall helps improve blood circulation and adds to muscle recovery. I’ve read books to my son with my legs up on the wall. Include your kids in the “recovery” progress this can be fun(or just funny) for them!

Ice Bath & Hot Epsom Salt Bath
Your husband & kids will enjoy dumping ice in the bath and watching you suffer. Ha! It’s 5-10 mins of freezing torture but I feel it’s worth it. I usually do this in the hot summer and kind of look forward to “cooling off” after long runs. I can’t bring myself to do this in the winter. Ice baths reduce inflammation and can improve recovery by changing the way blood flows through your body. When you sit in cold water, your blood vessels constrict. When you get out, they dilate (or open back up). This process helps flush away metabolic waste post-workout. Now, Hot Epsom salts baths are MUCH more enjoyable! I’m not a bath person but I try to do these 1-2Xs a week just to give my muscles TLC. Dr. Teals Epsom Salt is my favorite to use. Pre & Post workout is what I’m currently using but I love all of their Epsom salts!

Compression socks
Otherwise know as “running socks” by my son. Another great way to keep the blood circulating and legs recovery! I always wear a pair after a long run(sometimes during runs). If my legs are especially achy I have slept in them. Compression socks are like giving your legs a big hug! When I am marathon training, I practically live in compression socks. PRO Compression is the brand I wear most of the time for tall compression socks. For everyday running I like to wear Feetures . These socks are butter soft and the company has a great return policy.

This is the body’s best way to repair & recover. The night before a long run, I’ll ask my husband to take care of the kids if they wake up. This takes some pressure off me. I go to bed when the kids do…EARLY! Sleep will be your best friend in recovering. Getting enough sleep is also so hard with little kids…try to nap when they nap. Don’t feel guilty, let the dishes and clothes pile up and take that nap!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Drink lots of water throughout the day. Get yourself a cute, big cup and some fun reusable straws. You’ll drink more if you love the cup, I promise!
Nuun hydration is my go to electrolyte replacement. It’s the only electrolyte brand I use. I’ve been using it for 8 years and I am proud ambassador for the company. The also have lot of yummy favors! #nuunlife

Happy Recovery!

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